Meet Dana Macc

Motivational Speaker, Best Selling Author, Entrepreneur

Dana Macc is an energetic speaker with over 20+ years of experience as an educator and a coach.

A little bit about Dana...

Dana Macc has a special way of connecting to people- she’s always wearing that 1000-watt smile. Dana exudes a positive attitude and an animated style of delivery makes her audience laugh as she addresses important life issues. She has conducted workshops on mindfulness and meditation to combat stress and anxiety. 

As a result of working with Dana, individual’s experience transformation in seeing, thinking and being that collectively leads to their higher performance and productivity as clients shift their perception. 

A versatile professional speaker whose energy compels participants to take action.

My combined passion and decades of expertise Phasellus eu dui risus. Nulla convallis pharetra maximus. Nam tristique turpis ac posuere venenatis. Nulla a orci vulputate, semper tellus id, bibendum purus. Pellentesque suscipit aliquam volutpat. Nullam pretium vulputate justo. Praesent id condimentum leo. Mauris dictum sit amet elit eget tempus.

Finding Success in a Mess

A Mindful Approach to Reorganizing Your Life

The I AM...

Success is not an elusive entity beyond our reach. 

Making Happiness an Adventure for Life 

Happiness is an inside job. 

Speaking Topic

Coming Soon...

My Speaker One Sheet 

We are in our purest form the definition of SUCCESS. By harnessing our minds inner potential to create in imaginative ways we become UNSTOPPABLE FORCES 

- Dana Macc


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You are making a smart choice for your event. I am professional, inspiring and down to earth. Contact me to get started on acquiring my exceptional guest speaker services.
